4 Drug Rehab Centers Near Mount Rainier, Maryland

There are no alcohol and drug rehab centers in Mount Rainier, but its proximity to Washington, D.C. and Virginia offers plenty of treatment options.

As in most Maryland communities, residents of Mount Rainier have been exposed to the effects of the opioid crisis. Fortunately, there are many reputable rehab centers in the Mount Rainier area to help these people break free from addiction.

Substance Abuse In Mount Rainier And Prince George’s County

The Prince George’s County Health Department compiled a 2017 Opioid Overdose Report, which contained the following substance abuse statistics:

  • There were 101 opioid overdose deaths in Prince George’s County in 2017, up from 85 in 2016.
  • Emergency response staff administered Narcan 951 times in Prince George’s County in 2017 attempting to save an individual from a fatal opioid overdose.
  • Fentanyl was responsible for the most overdose deaths (75) followed by heroin (42) in Prince George’s County in 2017.
  • In 2016, more county residents overdosed because of heroin (57) than fentanyl (41).

Traveling For Addiction Treatment

Since there are no rehab centers in Mount Rainier, those suffering from addiction will have to travel for treatment. Many people are likely to look in nearby cities for a convenient rehab location, but the closest is not always the best.

It may benefit you or your loved one to explore addiction treatment options in other Maryland cities or other states. This could help you discover a substance abuse program that aligns perfectly with your needs and increases the chance of long-term recovery.

Prince George’s County Health Department - https://www.princegeorgescountymd.gov/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/3051

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