4 Drug Rehab Centers in Clinton, Maryland

Find the best rehab programs in Clinton, Maryland, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and care for co-occurring disorders.

Clinton, Maryland is not a large city, but it does offer assistance to individuals who are struggling with addiction. The following substance abuse treatment facilities offer hope for people in Clinton and Prince George’s County.

Substance Abuse In Clinton And Prince George’s County

Prince George’s County has had an increasing problem with the overuse of illegal and prescription opioid drugs.

  • In 2017, Prince George’s County saw a total of 167 deaths from alcohol or drug overdoses. 103 were from fentanyl overdoses, 52 from heroin overdoses, and 14 from prescription opioids.
  • Prince George’s County had a rate of 34.2 opioid prescriptions per 100 residents in 2017, which is relatively low compared to other Maryland counties.

Traveling For The Best Treatment

Finding a local addiction treatment program is convenient. However, individuals seeking a life-changing rehab program should consider additional options in other cities or states.

Traveling should be no obstacle when it comes to choosing an alcohol and drug rehab center that can make the difference between relapse and recovery.

amfAR - http://opioid.amfar.org/MD

Baltimore Business Journal - https://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/news/2018/07/27/opioids-continue-towreak-havoc-in-maryland-heres.html

County Health Rankings - http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/app/maryland/2018/measure/factors/138/data

Maryland Department of Health - https://bha.health.maryland.gov/OVERDOSE_PREVENTION/Documents/Drug_Intox_Report_2017.pdf

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