5 Drug Rehab Centers Near Scarborough, Maine

Scarborough, Maine is a coastal town just outside of Portland. It started as a trading post in 1630 that was surrounded by many small communities. Today, Scarborough is home to must-see sites like the Scarborough River Wildlife Sanctuary and the Beech Ridge Motor Speedway. It is also home to an addiction treatment center.

Substance Abuse In Scarborough & Cumberland County

This area of Maine has some of the highest overdose rates in the state, in part because 21 percent of the state’s population lives in Cumberland County. Other essential drug use facts about Scarborough and Cumberland County include:

  • Heroin is the most prevalent drug in this area of Maine, and it typically affects those between the ages of 26 to 34.
  • Co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders are common here.
  • In 2015, Cumberland reported 15.5 overdose deaths per 100,000 residents. It was the second highest in the state, but lower than the previous year.

Traveling For The Best Program

There are addiction treatment opportunities in Scarborough, Maine, but families should consider looking around at other communities, and even at neighboring states, to find the best program.

Maine Department of Health And Human Services - https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/samhs/osa/data/cesn/Heroin_Opioids_and_Other_Drugs_in_Maine_SEOW_Report.pdf

Maine.gov - https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/phdata/MaineCHNA/documents/county-reports/whole-reports/Maine%20Shared%20CHNA%20OXFORD%20County%20Report-2-29-16.pdf

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