Drug Rehab Centers Near Rockport, Maine

Rockport, Maine is a coastal community that sits 35 miles south of Augusta. It is known for its opera house, harbor, and art colony. With a population of just over 3,000 people, there is a least one addiction treatment center in the town itself.

Substance Abuse In Rockport & Knox County

Knox County has an escalating opioid abuse problem and one of the most serious in the state of Maine. Other significant drug facts about Rockport and Knox County include:

  • The DEA reports heroin trafficking and sales are highest in this area.
  • The age range for opioid use in Knox County is typically between 26 to 34 years old.
  • Co-occurring mental health disorders are on the rise in Knox County, showing a relationship likely exists between mental health problems and the rising drug use.

Traveling For The Best Program

While there are some addiction treatment centers in this area, families should consider looking around Maine and the rest of the country to find the right program for the individual’s needs.

Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/phdata/MaineCHNA/documents/county-reports/whole-reports/Maine%20Shared%20CHNA%20OXFORD%20County%20Report-2-29-16.pdf

Maine Department of Health and Human Service - https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/samhs/osa/data/cesn/Heroin_Opioids_and_Other_Drugs_in_Maine_SEOW_Report.pdf

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