5 Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Calais, Maine

Though small, the town of Calais, Maine, is the retail hub of Washington County. Its location on the St. Croix River puts it close to New Brunswick, Canada, and as such it has three border crossings. Unfortunately, a location close to any border means a larger problem with drug and alcohol use, and addiction treatment centers in Calais are highly necessary.

Substance Abuse In Calais & Washington County

Substance abuse is a serious problem for families in Calais and Washington County. With high addiction rates and overdose death rates, the area is in desperate need for effective treatment options. Consider these facts:

  • In 2016, 63.6 out of every 100,000 residents of Washington County died due to drug-related overdose, or a total of 20 deaths.
  • This rate was the highest in the state, and almost double all other counties.
  • All of the overdose deaths were connected to opioid use.

Traveling For The Best Program

To find the right treatment for an individual’s needs, sometimes the best choice is to travel away from home. Maine and many of the surrounding states have quite a large number of treatment facilities available to those who need help. Choosing the right one can feel overwhelming.

Central Maine - https://www.centralmaine.com/2017/04/12/maps-maines-2016-overdose-deaths-by-county/

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