4 Drug Rehab Centers Near Sandy Hook, Kentucky

The city of Sandy Hook, Kentucky is not located close to any major cities. However, those who live here and wish to find a drug or alcohol rehab center will find an option within Sandy Hook itself. For more addiction treatment centers, Sandy Hook residents may want to consider checking out other communities in the area.

Substance Abuse In Sandy Hook & Elliott County

Elliott County has had problems with substance abuse over the last several years, although these have occurred at lower rates compared to other Kentucky counties. Consider:

  • From 2006 to 2012, Elliott county had 11 fatal drug overdoses.
  • Between 2008 and 2012, Elliott County had a total of four alcohol-impaired driving fatalities.
  • Elliott County had eight drug overdose fatalities from 2012 through 2016. The county had fewer than five of these deaths per year during that time.
  • In 2017, Elliott County had fewer than five drug overdose deaths.
  • Elliott County had a 33.9 percent rate of written opioid prescriptions per 100 people in 2017.

Traveling For Addiction Treatment

For some individuals in need of a rehab program, traveling to another town or city can offer a fresh start for recovery. Each person has different needs in terms of the kind of care and the amount of treatment they require. Searching in different areas can provide individuals in Sandy Hook with more addiction treatment options to consider.

amFAR - http://opioid.amfar.org/KY

County Health Rankings - http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/app/kentucky/2014/measure/factors/134/data

Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy - https://odcp.ky.gov/Documents/2016%20ODCP%20Overdose%20Fatality%20Report%20Final.pdf

Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy - https://odcp.ky.gov/Documents/2017%20Kentucky%20Overdose%20Fatality%20Report%20%28final1%29.pdf

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