5 Drug Rehab Centers in Nicholasville, Kentucky

Nicholasville is the county seat of Jessamine County and is the 11th largest city by population in Kentucky. It is also one of the leading counties with an escalating drug problem. Studies show that Nicholasville and Jessamine County are number five in overdose deaths in the state. To address this growing problem, local drug and alcohol rehab centers can be found both in and around Nicholasville.

Substance Abuse In Nicholasville & Jessamine County

Jessamine County and Nicholasville rank in the top five counties for drug overdose deaths in Kentucky. Other drug facts from this area include:

  • In 2017, Jessamine County reported 30 overdose deaths or a rate of 56.2 deaths per 100,000 residents.
  • The county’s plan to reduce fatal overdoses includes limiting access to drugs and promoting prevention, intervention, and treatment.

Traveling For Addiction Treatment

Nicholasville, Kentucky has several drug and alcohol rehab centers. However, families can still benefit from traveling to other communities in Kentucky, as well as neighboring states, to locate a program ideal for their needs or situation.

Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy - https://odcp.ky.gov/Documents/2016%20ODCP%20Overdose%20Fatality%20Report%20Final.pdf

The Jessamine Journal - https://www.jessaminejournal.com/2018/08/02/jessamine-ranks-fifth-for-overdose-deaths/

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