Drug Rehab Centers Near Corbin, Kentucky

Corbin, Kentucky has a population of 7,304 people and is split between two counties: Whitley and Knox. For residents suffering from substance abuse, Corbin is home to a couple rehab centers that treat addiction, with more facilities located nearby.

Substance Abuse In Corbin & Whitley/Knox Counties

Corbin extends into two counties that both face the same opioid problems affecting most of Kentucky. Critical drug use facts about this region of Kentucky include:

  • The province of Whitley has one drug-related death per week.
  • In 2016, Whitley County reported five drug overdose deaths per 100,000 people, which is far fewer than the 22 reported deaths in 2012.
  • The numbers decreased in Knox County, as well. In 2012, they had 13 deaths per 100,000 people and eight deaths in 2016.

Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy - https://odcp.ky.gov/Documents/2016%20ODCP%20Overdose%20Fatality%20Report%20Final.pdf

News Journal - https://www.thenewsjournal.net/coroner-whitley-averages-one-drug-related-death-per-week/

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