2 Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Mount Pleasant, Iowa

Although Mount Pleasant is a small town of just 9,000 people, it has multiple options for substance abuse treatment. Consider Mount Pleasant as a destination for treatment if you’re suffering from an addiction in Henry County and the surrounding area.

Those With Substance Abuse Problems Deserve Help

Millions of people suffer from addiction every year, but only about 10% of those with addictions actually receive the help they need each year. In Iowa, those addictions come mostly commonly in the form of alcohol, marijuana, and methamphetamine. If you have a substance addiction and you’re ready to make a great positive change to your life, get treatment at one of the following addiction centers in Mount Pleasant.

Recovery Is Possible In Mount Pleasant

There are many treatment options available to you, so consider one of these treatment centers and contact us at RehabCenter.net to find out more about what you can do to beat your addiction for good.

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