5 Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Goshen, Indiana
October 3, 2020
Though Goshen is the smallest city of the Elkhart-Goshen-Mishawaka statistical region, it is still home to a variety of rehabilitation centers. It’s small town atmosphere and proximity to larger, more exciting, cities makes this an intriguing place to achieve sobriety.
This rehab is more important than ever in Indiana, as it suffers from a 9% rate of drug abuse, just slightly over the 8% national rate. The good news is that Goshen, and cities like it, offer you a wide range of recovery options.
In fact, there are five rehab centers alone in Ghosen and the following three are among the most popular and well-respected. The other two are excellent choices, but the information presented here should give you an idea of what is available in in Goshen.
One rehab center offers a broad range of treatment services. Substance abuse services in this facility include treatment for substance abuse, dual diagnosis treatment for addiction, holistic rehab management, alternative treatment, and outpatient counseling services. Also offered in this facility is addiction treatment for adolescents (teens).
The types of payment and payment assistance offered by Oaklawn Psychiatric Center Inc are: self payment (money order, cash, credit card, and check), medicaid, state financed insurance (other than Medicaid), medicare, private health insurance (Either Cigna, Aetna, United Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana Health, Claremont Behavioral, Amerihealth, Beech Street, Compcare, Healthsmart, Health One, Integrated Behavioral, Compsynch, or Federal Blue Cross), military Insurance (i.e. VA, or TRICARE), income-based sliding fee scale (payment is based on income as well as other factors), and luxury and private pay.
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Another addiction center a is rehab center offers a similar range of services, though they are offered only on an outpatient basis. They also offer court-ordered treatment and Christian and faith-based concepts.
Addictions Recovery Centers Inc offers the following payment and payment assistance: self payment (money order, cash, credit card, and check), state financed insurance (other than Medicaid), private health insurance (Either Cigna, Aetna, United Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana Health, Claremont Behavioral, Amerihealth, Beech Street, Compcare, Healthsmart, Health One, Integrated Behavioral, Compsynch, or Federal Blue Cross), income-based sliding fee scale (payment is based on income as well as other factors), luxury and private pay, and state financed insurance (besides Medicaid).
Another treatment center offers addiction treatment for men and women, addiction treatment for Christians, court-instructed alcohol treatment for people facing DUI/DWI offenses, and Court-instructed addiction treatment.
They offer the following payment and payment assistance: self payment (money order, cash, credit card, and check), private health insurance (Either Cigna, Aetna, United Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana Health, Claremont Behavioral, Amerihealth, Beech Street, Compcare, Healthsmart, Health One, Integrated Behavioral, Compsynch, or Federal Blue Cross), and luxury and private pay.
if you are interested in these rehab centers or others near you, please contact us at RehabCenter.net to learn more.
//$startTime = microtime(true);
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$err['lookup'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that category.";
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$stateSlug = str_replace('-'.$requestLookup, '', $requestState);
$state = Model::factory('State')->where('url', $stateSlug)->find_one();
if (!$state) {
$err['state'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that state.";
$is404 = true;
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$city = $state->city()->where('url', $requestCity)->find_one();
if (!$city) {
$err['city'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that city.";
$is404 = true;
if ($requestLocation && $city ) {
/* Fetch Location Only under primary Lookup*/
$location = $city->location()->where('url', $requestLocation)->find_one();
if (!$location) {
$err['location'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that location.";
$is404 = true;
/* Special Header Addons - Locations Under Sub Lookups*/
$sublookup_head = true;
* Let's work backwards with what we have.
// City Table Column Selector :: Num Locations by Lookup
case 'inpatient-rehab-centers' : $col = 'num_inpa'; break;
default : $col = 'num_locations';
if ($location) {
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foreach ($location->attribute()->find_many() as $attribute) {
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$mapAddress = urlencode($location->location_street1 . ' ' . $location->location_street2 . ' ' . $city->name . ' ' . $state->abbr);
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// Reserved for location data-only
} else {
include_once 'templates/location.php';
else if ($city) {
if ($lookup == 'inpatient-rehab-centers') {
// Special case; exclude outpatient rehabs from inpatient list
$locations = ORM::for_table('location')
->raw_query('SELECT location.*
FROM location JOIN attribute_location ON location.id = attribute_location.location_id
WHERE location.city_id = ?
AND attribute_location.attribute_id IN (25,26,27)
AND location.id NOT IN (
SELECT location_id
FROM attribute_location
WHERE attribute_id = 23
GROUP BY location.id', array($city->id))
elseif ($lookupGroup) {
$built_re_state = explode('-'.$requestLookup,$requestState)[0];
$build_redirect = '/rehab-centers/'.$built_re_state.'-rehab-centers/'.$requestCity.'/';
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header('Location: https://www.rehabcenter.net' . $build_redirect);
// Standard lookups
//$locations = ORM::for_table('location')->where('location.city_id', $city->id)->join('attribute_location', array('location.id', '=', 'attribute_location.location_id'))->where_in('attribute_location.attribute_id', $lookupGroup)->group_by('location.id')->find_many();
else {
// Show all rehab centers
$locations = $city->location()->find_many();
/* Show City Page Only if # Segments exist*/
if ($dataOnly) {
// Reserved for city data-only
include_once 'templates/city-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/city.php';
}elseif ($state) {
if ($lookup == 'inpatient-rehab-centers') {
// Special case; exclude outpatient rehabs from inpatient list
$cities = ORM::for_table('city')
->raw_query('SELECT city.*
FROM city
JOIN location ON city.id = location.city_id
JOIN attribute_location ON location.id = attribute_location.location_id
WHERE city.state_id = ?
AND attribute_location.attribute_id IN (25,26,27)
AND location.id NOT IN (
SELECT location_id
FROM attribute_location
WHERE attribute_id = 23
GROUP BY city.id', array($state->id))
else if ($lookupGroup) {
$cities = ORM::for_table('city')->select('city.*')->where('city.state_id', $state->id)->join('location', array('city.id', '=', 'location.city_id'))->join('attribute_location', array('location.id', '=', 'attribute_location.location_id'))->where_in('attribute_location.attribute_id', $lookupGroup)->group_by('city.id')->find_many();
else {
$cities = $state->city()->find_many();
// Let's make sure we only have # segments on the URL array(3)
if ($dataOnly) {
include_once 'templates/state-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/state.php';
else if ($lookup&&!$is404) {
$states = Model::factory('State')->find_many();
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include_once 'templates/lookup-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/lookup.php';
else {
$is404 = true;
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
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