Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in East Dundee, Illinois

Located in Kane County — with a small portion also in Cook County — East Dundee is a village of about 3,000 people. East Dundee lies along the Fox River which provides many opportunities for recreation and relaxation.

Weather in East Dundee

East Dundee is the ideal location to obtain drug rehabilitation services — especially if you love low humidity, mild temperatures in the summer and lots of snow throughout the winter season. With snowfall reaching heights of about a foot and the summer temperatures only climbing to the low 80s, East Dundee offers a pleasant and seasonable climate.

Lodging in East Dundee

The Mansion Bed and Breakfast provides vacation rentals and short-term stays. Located in the heart of Dundee, this cozy, historic home is only 35 miles from Chicago. Private suites are adorned with a relaxing Jacuzzi tub, making the Mansion Bed & Breakfast the perfect place to come home to after you regain your sobriety. Townplace Suites is located in West Dundee and provides a safe, comfortable place for your support system to relax while also being there for you. Wheelchair accessible, pet-friendly and ideal for long-term stays, the Townplace Suites is also conveniently located.

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