Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Laupahoehoe, Hawaii

Airports near Laupahoehoe

The closest airport to Laupahoehoe Hilo International Airport, which is 27 miles from Laupahoehoe or Waikoloa International Airport, which is 33 miles away. Visitors to the area also have the option of using Waimea-Kohala airport, which is 34 miles from Laupahoehoe and offers domestic flights to and from the area. If you are traveling to Laupahoehoe for rehab or to visit a loved one in rehab, the number of local airports makes this an easy city to reach.

Weather in Laupahoehoe

Like many places in the tropics, Laupahoehoe offers residents and visitors alike a mixture of beautiful clear days, cloudy days and rain. The city receives about 130 inches of rain per year that fall 264 days per year. While that sounds dreary, the precipitation usually falls in scattered showers and then the day becomes sunny. The number of sunny days per year is 168. The average summer temperature for July is 81 degrees Fahrenheit and the January low temperature is about 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Expect a typical day to offer rain, sun, and light winds.

Lodging in Laupahoehoe

Laupahoehoe sits just over 700 feet in elevation and offers visitors a range of lodging opportunities. The town has hotels that have prices that range from $66-$400 per night. For longer stays, the local apartment scene is limited.  Expect studio apartments to begin to rent from $975 per month.

Employment opportunities in Laupahoehoe

Laupahoehoe is a small community. It has a population under 600 people but is experiencing a 22 percent growth spurt over the last decade. The unemployment rate is 10.40 percent, which is much higher than the national average. The largest job base in Laupahoehoe is within the service industry which makes up roughly 33 percent of jobs. The second largest industry is sales and office work that makes up 22 percent of the local job scene. Construction, maintenance, production, transportation together make up 23 percent of local jobs. Professional and managerial jobs equate for about 20 percent of the workforce in Laupahoehoe. Overall, expect a few jobs at every level of the job-work chain.

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