Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Kahuku, Hawaii

Airport information

The closest airport to Kahuku, Hawaii, is the Honolulu International Airport, where people from any country can fly into the state. This airport is around 41 miles from Kahuku, which means that a bus, taxi, or car will need to be driven into Kahuku. Families visiting loved ones in rehabilitation centers in Kahuku should use this airport.


The weather in Kahuku, Hawaii, is sunny and warm during most times of the year. March has the most rain with an average rainfall of 5.7 inches, while the driest month is June, which sees only around .7 inches of rain. The temperatures in Kahuku average between 68 and 76 degrees Fahrenheit at all times of the year.


There are several places where someone can stay when they come into Kahuku for drug treatment or to see someone who is in a rehabilitation program. The Turtle Bay Condos offer a home away from home, and the Malaekahana Beach Campground makes a good spot for a rest if the family prefers to explore the outdoors. For a lower price, people can stay at the Tiki Moon Villas, a one-star hotel.

Employment Opportunities

The median household income in Kahuku is $68,292, which is just slightly higher than the state’s median income. While that’s good, the cost of living in Kahuku is high, so living in another nearby area with cheaper prices can be beneficial. Employment opportunities are available in shopping centers, parks, school districts, coffee shops, and other retail facilities.

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