Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Westlake Village, California
Published on December 13, 2018
Situated in sunny Southern California, the city of Westlake Village has a population of just over 8,000 people. The area was originally settled by the Chumash Indians but now is known as a melting pot of people from all different backgrounds.
Westlake Village is located in Los Angeles County, on the border of Ventura County. It has a unique housing layout, with a subdivision built in the middle of Westlake Lake. The city is also home to the Dole Food Company headquarters.
Substance Abuse In Westlake Village, Los Angeles County, And Ventura County
California had the second highest number of drug overdose deaths in the United States in 2016, with 4,654 overdose fatalities. Like many parts of California, the Westlake Village area has been affected by drug and alcohol abuse.
- In 2016, more than 26,000 individuals were admitted for substance abuse treatment in Los Angeles County.
- Between 2012 and 2014, it was estimated that there were more than 200,000 individuals in Los Angeles County with a substance abuse problem.
- In L. County, there were on average 400 deaths yearly from 2006-2012 that involved a positive test for prescription opioids.
Traveling For The Best Program
When a substance abuse problem first develops, it is easy to associate people, places, and things with your actions. Therefore, it is usually a good idea to get away from your home environment to enroll in an addiction recovery program.
//$startTime = microtime(true);
require_once 'inc/db.php';
require_once 'inc/lookups.php';
$requestLookup = $requestLookup ? $requestLookup : sanitize_text_field($_GET['lookup']);
$requestState = $requestState ? $requestState : sanitize_text_field($_GET['state']);
$requestCity = $requestCity ? $requestCity : sanitize_text_field($_GET['city']);
$requestLocation = $requestLocation? $requestLocation : sanitize_text_field($_GET['location']);
$dataOnly = $dataOnly ? $dataOnly : (bool) $_GET['dataonly'];
if ($requestLookup) {
if (array_key_exists($requestLookup, $lookupGroups)) {
$lookup = $requestLookup;
if (is_array($lookupGroups[$lookup])) {
$lookupGroup = $lookupGroups[$lookup];
$lookupName = $lookupTitles[$lookup];
if (!$lookup) {
$err['lookup'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that category.";
if ($requestState && $lookup) {
$stateSlug = str_replace('-'.$requestLookup, '', $requestState);
$state = Model::factory('State')->where('url', $stateSlug)->find_one();
if (!$state) {
$err['state'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that state.";
$is404 = true;
if ($requestCity && $state) {
$city = $state->city()->where('url', $requestCity)->find_one();
if (!$city) {
$err['city'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that city.";
$is404 = true;
if ($requestLocation && $city ) {
/* Fetch Location Only under primary Lookup*/
$location = $city->location()->where('url', $requestLocation)->find_one();
if (!$location) {
$err['location'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that location.";
$is404 = true;
/* Special Header Addons - Locations Under Sub Lookups*/
$sublookup_head = true;
* Let's work backwards with what we have.
// City Table Column Selector :: Num Locations by Lookup
case 'inpatient-rehab-centers' : $col = 'num_inpa'; break;
default : $col = 'num_locations';
if ($location) {
$attributes['S'] = $attributes['T'] = $attributes['D'] = $attributes['P'] = array();
foreach ($location->attribute()->find_many() as $attribute) {
$attributes[$attribute->type][] = $attribute;
$mapAddress = urlencode($location->location_street1 . ' ' . $location->location_street2 . ' ' . $city->name . ' ' . $state->abbr);
if ($dataOnly) {
// Reserved for location data-only
} else {
include_once 'templates/location.php';
else if ($city) {
if ($lookup == 'inpatient-rehab-centers') {
// Special case; exclude outpatient rehabs from inpatient list
$locations = ORM::for_table('location')
->raw_query('SELECT location.*
FROM location JOIN attribute_location ON = attribute_location.location_id
WHERE location.city_id = ?
AND attribute_location.attribute_id IN (25,26,27)
SELECT location_id
FROM attribute_location
WHERE attribute_id = 23
GROUP BY', array($city->id))
elseif ($lookupGroup) {
$built_re_state = explode('-'.$requestLookup,$requestState)[0];
$build_redirect = '/rehab-centers/'.$built_re_state.'-rehab-centers/'.$requestCity.'/';
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header('Location:' . $build_redirect);
// Standard lookups
//$locations = ORM::for_table('location')->where('location.city_id', $city->id)->join('attribute_location', array('', '=', 'attribute_location.location_id'))->where_in('attribute_location.attribute_id', $lookupGroup)->group_by('')->find_many();
else {
// Show all rehab centers
$locations = $city->location()->find_many();
/* Show City Page Only if # Segments exist*/
if ($dataOnly) {
// Reserved for city data-only
include_once 'templates/city-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/city.php';
}elseif ($state) {
if ($lookup == 'inpatient-rehab-centers') {
// Special case; exclude outpatient rehabs from inpatient list
$cities = ORM::for_table('city')
->raw_query('SELECT city.*
FROM city
JOIN location ON = location.city_id
JOIN attribute_location ON = attribute_location.location_id
WHERE city.state_id = ?
AND attribute_location.attribute_id IN (25,26,27)
SELECT location_id
FROM attribute_location
WHERE attribute_id = 23
GROUP BY', array($state->id))
else if ($lookupGroup) {
$cities = ORM::for_table('city')->select('city.*')->where('city.state_id', $state->id)->join('location', array('', '=', 'location.city_id'))->join('attribute_location', array('', '=', 'attribute_location.location_id'))->where_in('attribute_location.attribute_id', $lookupGroup)->group_by('')->find_many();
else {
$cities = $state->city()->find_many();
// Let's make sure we only have # segments on the URL array(3)
if ($dataOnly) {
include_once 'templates/state-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/state.php';
else if ($lookup&&!$is404) {
$states = Model::factory('State')->find_many();
if ($dataOnly&&!$is404) {
include_once 'templates/lookup-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/lookup.php';
else {
$is404 = true;
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
// $endTime = microtime(true);
//echo '';
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