Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Markleeville, California

There are around 1,097 residents living in Markleeville, California. This census-designated place is located in El Dorado National Forest and is close to Stanislaus National Forest and Lake Tahoe. Markleeville is surrounded by notable mountain peaks in the area, including Deadwood Peak. There are also addiction treatment services within Markleeville’s borders.

Rehab Centers In Markleeville, California

Individuals looking into their treatment options for addiction have one alcohol and drug rehab center available in Markleeville.

Rehab Centers Near Markleeville, California

Adults looking for addiction treatment centers can find a few options available within 1-2 hours outside Markleeville in South Lake Tahoe, Camino, and across state lines in Nevada.

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Substance Abuse In Markleeville & Alpine County

Alpine County has not had as much of a problem with opioid abuse as other counties in California. However, alcohol has been a big problem in the county, especially involving motor vehicle accidents. Take a look at some facts from the region:

  • In one year, Alpine County and the surrounding counties had the highest rate of motor vehicle accidents involving the use of alcohol in California.
  • 7.3 percent of Alpine County residents receive opioid prescriptions, which is a lower percentage compared to many other counties in the state.
  • In 2017, Alpine County had 267 prescriptions written for opioids. There were no reported opioid-related deaths, emergency room visits, or hospitalizations that year.

Traveling For The Best Program

Markleeville only offers one drug and alcohol rehab center, so those who need care should be open to travel. Other towns and cities offer more treatment programs to consider, which can better meet a person’s needs. Researching different treatment plans can help ensure that individuals with a substance use disorder find the best rehab center for them.

If you’re looking for alcohol and drug rehab centers in or near Markleeville and need help finding them, please contact

Alpine County -

California Department of Public Health -

The Sacramento Bee -

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