Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Garden Grove, California

The city of Garden Grove has a population of 174,226 people. Residents who live in this city have convenient access to larger communities, including Santa Ana, Long Beach, and Anaheim. The city has several parks available for residents to enjoy, and at least one rehab center to address substance abuse and addiction.

Rehab Centers In Garden Grove, California

Individuals looking for an alcohol or drug rehab center have a program available at one facility within Garden Grove.

Rehab Centers Near Garden Grove, California

Individuals looking for help for addiction can find a number of alcohol and drug rehab centers outside of Garden Grove in Stanton.

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Substance Abuse In Garden Grove & Orange County

Orange County has had serious problems with the overuse of opioids, including OxyContin and other prescribed opioid substances. Here are some facts from the region.

  • In Orange County there were 1,168 drug-related overdose deaths between 2014 and 2016.
  • In 2017, Orange County had 255 opioid overdose deaths and 294 emergency department visits due to opioid overdoses.
  • There was a total of 197 opioid overdose hospitalizations in the county in 2017.
  • Orange County had a total of 1,516,276 opioid prescriptions written that same year.
  • Overdoses in Orange County led to more than 5,500 hospitalizations and close to 700 deaths per year. Over half of overdoses with opioids involved prescription opioids, such as OxyContin.

Traveling For The Best Program

Having the right treatment program can make a significant difference in how well people go through the recovery process. This can mean keeping options for treatment open by being willing to travel to other rehab centers. Considering other treatment programs in California or other states can help ensure that patients receive the most effective care possible.

If you or someone you know needs help for addiction, contact for help locating rehab centers outside of Garden Grove.

California Public Health Department -

County Health Rankings -

Orange County Health Care Agency -

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