Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Fontana, California

Fontana, California, is a growing community in San Bernardino County. Its location with several major interstates and a state highway traveling through the community makes it popular with the trucking industry, but this also makes it easy to bring in illegal drugs. Local addiction treatment centers are available to help those struggling with addiction.

Rehab Centers In Fontana, California

For those battling addiction in Fontana, a few treatment options exist within the community.

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Rehab Centers Near Fontana, California

Those who need a different type of treatment than what is available within Fontana will find options at nearby facilities in Bloomington and Rancho Cucamonga.

Substance Abuse In Fontana & San Bernardino County

In Fontana, and in much of San Bernardino County, addiction remains a serious problem relating to both health and finances, and these need to be addressed. Some key statistics that showcase the serious nature of the problem include:

  • For the 2013-2014 fiscal year, alcohol and drug addiction admissions in San Bernardino County grew by 10 percent, which included a 29 percent growth in alcohol abuse admissions.
  • Among those who received alcohol or drug services in the county, 44 percent had a history of mental health services.
  • San Bernardino County had 1,073 serious car accidents involving alcohol use in 2014.

Traveling For The Best Program

Getting out of the home environment is often the key to successful addiction treatment. Traveling for treatment can make the entire process more effective, as individuals are able to focus on their treatment rather than the temptations and triggers all around them. For many, this can be a turning point in addiction treatment.

Achieve success by finding the right addiction treatment program with help from today.

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