Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Davis, California

The most populous community in Yolo County, the town of Davis, California is home to over 65,000 people. The community is also home to the University of California, Davis, which adds another 10,000 or so people to the population through on-campus housing. As with many college towns, Davis has its struggles with drug and alcohol addiction.

Rehab Centers In Davis, California

For residents of Davis, the city offers at least one effective addiction treatment center within city limits.

Rehab Centers Near Davis, California

Davis is quite close to Sacramento, and many drug and alcohol rehab centers in Sacramento and Woodland offer nearby treatment options.

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Substance Abuse In Davis & Yolo County

The drug addiction and alcohol abuse problems in Davis are on the rise, and Yolo County is seeing an increase in key statistics, like drug-related deaths. Looking more closely at these numbers will show why addiction treatment centers in the region are so important:

  • From 2007 to 2015, drug-related deaths in Yolo County increased by 71 percent.
  • The death rate went from 7 per 100,000 people to 12 per 100,000 people.
  • The majority of the Yolo County deaths from 2007 to 2015 were people between the ages of 35 and 64.

Traveling For The Best Program

Sometimes those living in Davis and other areas around Yolo County may not find the right treatment option to meet their needs. When this happens, traveling for treatment can be a wise choice. Leaving the county, and even the state, can create greater opportunities for effective treatment.

Reach out to for help locating the right addiction treatment center today.

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