Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Cotati, California

The city of Cotati has an estimated population of 7,448 people. This unincorporated city lies between Santa Rosa and San Francisco along U.S. Route 101. Residents who live in Cotati can visit the city’s hexagon-shaped downtown plaza, which is a historical landmark. The city also features an alcohol and drug rehab center, with more options in surrounding communities.

Rehab Centers In Cotati, California

Adults who suffer from a substance use disorder can find at least one addiction treatment center available in Cotati.

Rehab Centers Near Cotati, California

Cotati residents with drug or alcohol addiction who need to find a suitable treatment program have a few nearby options in Santa Rosa and Petaluma.

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Substance Abuse In Cotati & Sonoma County

Sonoma County has been experiencing an increase in drug-related problems, including overdoses, in recent years. Here are some overdose statistics from the county:

  • There were 192 drug overdose deaths in Sonoma County from 2013 through 2015. During 2014 to 2016, drug-related overdose deaths increased to 214.
  • From 2011 to 2013, the mortality rate for drug overdoses in Sonoma County was 10.3 per 100,000 residents. Drug overdoses have become the leading cause of injury deaths in Sonoma County.
  • One in three drug overdoses in Sonoma County are due to prescription opioids, which represents a rate of 3.5 per 100,000 residents. More than half of opioid overdoses occur in the 45 to 59 age group.

Traveling For The Best Program

Since Cotati has one residential facility with limited space available for drug and alcohol rehabilitation, those who need treatment might find that it helps to look into other programs. Traveling to cities and towns outside of Cotati can offer other treatment facilities with different types of programs available. This expands an individual’s options and helps ensure that they find effective treatment.

If you’re looking into substance use disorder treatment facilities for you or for a loved one, and are willing to travel, contact today.

County Health Rankings -

North Bay County Medical Societies -

Sonoma West Times and News -

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