Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Colton, California

Located nearly 60 miles east of Los Angeles and known locally as Hub City, Colton is a historical crossing point of the California Southern Railroad and home to an impressive population of 47,662 individuals. If it is time for you to find a stable season in your life and leave addiction behind, Colton has addiction treatment centers to consider.

Rehab Centers In Colton, California

There are at least two drug and alcohol rehab center options available within the city limits of Colton.

Rehab Centers Near Colton, California

Getting out of town to find the right substance abuse program is a good idea if there are a few options available locally. Colton is surrounded by other cities in the San Bernardino area, like Grand Terrace, where more rehab centers are available.

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Substance Abuse In Colton & San Bernardino County

Substance use and abuse problems have plagued the nation in recent years, so many others understand the stresses and dangers of addiction. A few statistics regarding addiction in the Colton area include:

  • In 2016, there were 2,012 opioid-related overdose deaths­­­ in the state of California.
  • In 2017, there were 351 drug overdose deaths in San Bernardino County.
  • Between 2015 and 2016, there were more than 6,000 people admitted from San Bernardino County for substance use treatment.

Traveling For The Best Program

It’s easy to look at your hometown and feel like it is best to stick close to home and to familiar people during addiction treatment. However, for many people it can be beneficial to get away from the familiar and settle in at a new place in new surroundings. If you would like guidance with choosing the right treatment program for you, reach out to

California Mental Health Planning Counsel -

County Health Rankings -

National Institute on Drug Abuse -

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