Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Show Low, Arizona
June 26, 2020
Established in 1870, the city of Show Low is located in Navajo County in Arizona and is home to about 10,660 residents. The city got its quirky name, legend has it, because two locals were playing poker and couldn’t decide which of them would have to move out of town because they weren’t getting along. Marion Clark told Corydon E. Cooley that if he could show low, he would win. Cooley showed the deuce of clubs and won, and town got its name to commemorate the event. They even named a street in Show Low “Deuce of Clubs” in honor of that fateful poker game.
Airport Information
There are a few small airports in Show Low for your benefit when you come in for rehab or need to visit someone going through a rehab program. The Show Low Regional Airport has two runways and is for smaller aircraft. The White Mountain Lake Airport has a single runway. Otherwise, you can take advantage of the nearest domestic airport, the Tucson International Airport, about 61 miles away from Show Low. The Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is another good option for people who need to fly in.
If you haven’t been to Show Low during the summer before, you’re in for a powerful experience. The temperature reaches the 70s on average in Show Low by July, but the mercury gets up to the 90s during summertime. In winter, the average temperature is in the mid-30s. In spring and autumn, you can typically expect to see the thermometer reach the mid-40s and 50s. Show Low gets about 1.5 inches of rain most of the year, but welcome cloudbursts deliver up to 3 inches of rain July through August.
Drug Rehabilitation Centers
Once you’ve made the commitment to getting the help you need for your substance abuse problem, it’s time to find a suitable rehab center. Fortunately, the pleasant community of Show Low has the treatment you require.
When you come to Show Low to visit a relative or friend undergoing rehab, it’s prudent to arrange for accommodations ahead of time. Likewise, if you are about to finish your rehab work, you may want to find a good motel or hotel to stay in as you begin your new sober life. The Hampton Inn & Suites Show Low-Pinetop is a beautiful option. Beds are awaiting you at the Holiday Inn Express Show Low and the Best Western Paint Pony Lodge. For those on a budget, check out the Super 8 Show Low.
Employment Opportunities
It’s a great feeling when you find work following a period going through rehab for substance abuse. In Show Low, the most common industries include construction (about 26 percent of work) and positions in retail (about 14 percent). If you have experience in food services or accommodations, you should be aware that these occupations account for about 10 percent of the employment opportunities in Show Low. Public administration jobs make up about 9 percent of work here. Educational services are another option in Show Low, amounting to about 7 percent of local industry.
//$startTime = microtime(true);
require_once 'inc/db.php';
require_once 'inc/lookups.php';
$requestLookup = $requestLookup ? $requestLookup : sanitize_text_field($_GET['lookup']);
$requestState = $requestState ? $requestState : sanitize_text_field($_GET['state']);
$requestCity = $requestCity ? $requestCity : sanitize_text_field($_GET['city']);
$requestLocation = $requestLocation? $requestLocation : sanitize_text_field($_GET['location']);
$dataOnly = $dataOnly ? $dataOnly : (bool) $_GET['dataonly'];
if ($requestLookup) {
if (array_key_exists($requestLookup, $lookupGroups)) {
$lookup = $requestLookup;
if (is_array($lookupGroups[$lookup])) {
$lookupGroup = $lookupGroups[$lookup];
$lookupName = $lookupTitles[$lookup];
if (!$lookup) {
$err['lookup'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that category.";
if ($requestState && $lookup) {
$stateSlug = str_replace('-'.$requestLookup, '', $requestState);
$state = Model::factory('State')->where('url', $stateSlug)->find_one();
if (!$state) {
$err['state'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that state.";
$is404 = true;
if ($requestCity && $state) {
$city = $state->city()->where('url', $requestCity)->find_one();
if (!$city) {
$err['city'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that city.";
$is404 = true;
if ($requestLocation && $city ) {
/* Fetch Location Only under primary Lookup*/
$location = $city->location()->where('url', $requestLocation)->find_one();
if (!$location) {
$err['location'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find that location.";
$is404 = true;
/* Special Header Addons - Locations Under Sub Lookups*/
$sublookup_head = true;
* Let's work backwards with what we have.
// City Table Column Selector :: Num Locations by Lookup
case 'inpatient-rehab-centers' : $col = 'num_inpa'; break;
default : $col = 'num_locations';
if ($location) {
$attributes['S'] = $attributes['T'] = $attributes['D'] = $attributes['P'] = array();
foreach ($location->attribute()->find_many() as $attribute) {
$attributes[$attribute->type][] = $attribute;
$mapAddress = urlencode($location->location_street1 . ' ' . $location->location_street2 . ' ' . $city->name . ' ' . $state->abbr);
if ($dataOnly) {
// Reserved for location data-only
} else {
include_once 'templates/location.php';
else if ($city) {
if ($lookup == 'inpatient-rehab-centers') {
// Special case; exclude outpatient rehabs from inpatient list
$locations = ORM::for_table('location')
->raw_query('SELECT location.*
FROM location JOIN attribute_location ON = attribute_location.location_id
WHERE location.city_id = ?
AND attribute_location.attribute_id IN (25,26,27)
SELECT location_id
FROM attribute_location
WHERE attribute_id = 23
GROUP BY', array($city->id))
elseif ($lookupGroup) {
$built_re_state = explode('-'.$requestLookup,$requestState)[0];
$build_redirect = '/rehab-centers/'.$built_re_state.'-rehab-centers/'.$requestCity.'/';
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header('Location:' . $build_redirect);
// Standard lookups
//$locations = ORM::for_table('location')->where('location.city_id', $city->id)->join('attribute_location', array('', '=', 'attribute_location.location_id'))->where_in('attribute_location.attribute_id', $lookupGroup)->group_by('')->find_many();
else {
// Show all rehab centers
$locations = $city->location()->find_many();
/* Show City Page Only if # Segments exist*/
if ($dataOnly) {
// Reserved for city data-only
include_once 'templates/city-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/city.php';
}elseif ($state) {
if ($lookup == 'inpatient-rehab-centers') {
// Special case; exclude outpatient rehabs from inpatient list
$cities = ORM::for_table('city')
->raw_query('SELECT city.*
FROM city
JOIN location ON = location.city_id
JOIN attribute_location ON = attribute_location.location_id
WHERE city.state_id = ?
AND attribute_location.attribute_id IN (25,26,27)
SELECT location_id
FROM attribute_location
WHERE attribute_id = 23
GROUP BY', array($state->id))
else if ($lookupGroup) {
$cities = ORM::for_table('city')->select('city.*')->where('city.state_id', $state->id)->join('location', array('', '=', 'location.city_id'))->join('attribute_location', array('', '=', 'attribute_location.location_id'))->where_in('attribute_location.attribute_id', $lookupGroup)->group_by('')->find_many();
else {
$cities = $state->city()->find_many();
// Let's make sure we only have # segments on the URL array(3)
if ($dataOnly) {
include_once 'templates/state-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/state.php';
else if ($lookup&&!$is404) {
$states = Model::factory('State')->find_many();
if ($dataOnly&&!$is404) {
include_once 'templates/lookup-data.php';
} else {
include_once 'templates/lookup.php';
else {
$is404 = true;
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
// $endTime = microtime(true);
//echo '';