West Virginia Long Term Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers

The state of West Virginia has the highest rate of drug overdose mortality in the country. Fortunately, there are several long-term treatment programs in the state that allow individuals to recover in a safe and supportive environment.

Shockingly, West Virginia has the highest drug overdose mortality rate in the nation. The Trust for America’s Health reports that 28.9% of drug overdoses in West Virginia result in death. Further, mortalities from prescription drug abuse outnumber those reported from cocaine and heroin combined.

While the rate of prescriptions for painkillers has quadrupled since 1999, so has the number of fatal poisonings associated with the misuse of prescription drugs like vicodin. Even though legislative and community initiatives are underway to help eliminate the abuse of prescription drugs, thousands of people continue to struggle with addiction in West Virginia.

Since addiction to prescription medications is the most difficult to treat, long term rehab may be the only realistic solution for many of these individuals. Most patients become dependent on medications thanks to pre-existing conditions, such as chronic back pain due to a car accident, making diagnosis and treatment an arduous process.

The most effective treatment options focus on 30 day, 90 day or 120 day inpatient programs specifically designed to assess both the physiological needs of the patient, and their mental dependency.

Recovery is not only possible, it’s necessary. With mortality rates from drug overdoses continuing to rise, long term rehab is readily available for those who need more intense, daily treatment.

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Cities In West Virginia With Long Term Rehabs

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