Oklahoma Long Term Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers

Known for its indelible place in cowboy history and its breathtaking scenery, Oklahoma has become an important leader in the nation’s agricultural and natural gas mining industries. However, on the other side of a booming economy often exists the darker issue of substance abuse. Fortunately, there are several long-term treatment programs available in Oklahoma to ensure everyone gets the help they need to live a life of sobriety.

Illicit drug abuse and alcohol abuse cost our nation more than $230 billion annually, and Oklahoma is not immune from the destructive consequences of addiction. While Oklahoma’s percentage of drug abuse by adults matches the national average of 8%, the state ranks number one in the nation for prescription painkiller and opiate abuse. Methamphetamine use among teens is also significantly higher than average.

Fortunately, rehabilitation science shows that there is an answer to combating addiction. This solution comes in the form of long term rehab treatment, and there are more than 30 facilities in Oklahoma dedicated to this effective form of rehabilitation.

While traditional rehab methods treat all patients with the same approach, long term rehab medical professionals utilize diverse therapies such as cognitive behavioral and group counseling to heal all aspects of your life, from family relationships to social skills. You are an individual and long term rehab centers make sure that your path to full recovery is structured just for you.

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Cities In Oklahoma With Long Term Rehabs

Our Top Rated JCAHO Accredited Addiction Treatment Programs

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