Heroin Addiction Rehab Centers in Vermont
Heroin works on the brain’s pain receptors. Since it provides intense pain relief and feelings of relaxation, it is extremely psychologically addictive to those who use it. Heroin is also a physical addiction, creating dependence in the body that ends up requiring it for pain relief and building up a tolerance to the substance over time. Those who use heroin experience intense cravings, and painful withdrawal, which often influences their behavior. It may cause individuals to do things they wouldn’t normally do, like stealing from family and friends, lying, or withdrawing. Getting treatment can greatly improve the odds of quitting, and give the sufferer a chance at getting back to a normal life.
Statistics on Heroin Addiction in Vermont
Heroin is not one of the most commonly abused drugs in the United States, but it does have high usage rates amongst Caucasians men and women between ages 20 and 40. In Vermont, approximately 1,100 people are admitted to rehab facilities for heroin abuse each year. Heroin abuse is also on an upward trend, with more people in every age group starting to use heroin each year.
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Treatment for Heroin Addiction
Treatment for heroin addiction, like treatment for most almost all drug addictions, must meet both the physical and the psychological needs of a user. Since heroin has such a strong dependence-factor, a full physical treatment strategy is essential. This includes detoxification to cleanse the body of the drug, and help those suffering from addiction avoid the worst of withdrawal pains, and often maintenance drugs, like buprenorphine, naltrexone, and methadone, to prevent pain after rehabilitation and keep cravings from coming back.
Therapy, such as one-on-one counseling and group counseling, aims to help patients with the emotional issues that cause them to use, providing them with the full spectrum of treatment they need.
Getting Help
Due to its addictive nature, most people addicted to heroin have little chance of successfully quitting without help. An overall treatment strategy that helps eliminate the chemical from the body, eases withdrawal symptoms, and treats the patient’s mental health issues is essential to long-term success. When you want to get past your heroin abuse, RehabCenter.net can help you find the right residential program in Vermont. Contact us at RehabCenter.net today.