Heroin Addiction Rehab Centers in North Carolina

Heroin has a direct effect on the brain, and its ability to perceive pain. Due to this, it causes a deep feeling of relaxation that becomes quickly addictive for those who use it. Those addicted to heroin quickly build up a tolerance, which means they require more of the substance over time, increasing the likelihood of addiction.

Since withdrawal from heroin is so painful, many addicted individuals will do anything to keep using, including lying to and stealing from family members. Getting an addicted person help for their addiction means getting them into an inpatient treatment program that can deal with their withdrawal, as well as the physical and psychological aspects of drug abuse head on.

Statistics on Heroin Addiction in North Carolina

While heroin is not one of the most abused drugs in the U.S., it does have a high usage rate amongst young people. Sixteen percent of all primary admissions in drug facilities were for heroin addiction. The majority of these admissions were Caucasian men and women between the ages of 20 and 40. In North Carolina, 2,300 people sought treatment for heroin abuse in the last reported year, and, as in the rest of the U.S., heroin use has been rising for the past several years.

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Treatment for Heroin Addiction

Heroin users experience intense physical dependence on the drug, which makes it especially important for those addicted to heroin to get proper treatment. Detoxification helps rid the body of the substance, getting the body back to its original chemistry, and maintenance drugs, such as Methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone provide continuing relief from physical symptoms, helping stave off cravings and painful withdrawal symptoms.

Psychological issues that fuel addiction are typically treated through counseling, in the form of individual and group counseling, through holistic techniques, such as nutritional therapy and acupuncture may be utilized to round out the treatment.

Getting Help in North Carolina

Heroin is a highly addictive substance that most people cannot stop using on their own. Going through an intensive treatment program that includes detoxification, substance abuse counseling, mental health treatment, and the use of maintenance medications, if necessary, improves the likelihood of successful rehabilitation. If you want to try a heroin treatment program to get past your addiction, contact us and let RehabCenter.net help you find the right North Carolina facility.

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