Drug Rehabs That Offer Organic Diets

Medically reviewed by
Dr. Anna PickeringApril 3, 2019
Whether it’s a lifestyle or a dietary preference, many people adhere to the mindset that eating organically is better for your overall health and well-being. When confronting an addiction, and in turn, considering your options for rehabilitation, there are facilities that are nutrition based and cater to specific dietary requests, including an organic diet.
Why Eat Organically Within Rehab?
A drug is a toxin that severely cripples and damages your body’s delicate systems. Organic foods are produced without conventional pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. Those who follow an organic diet feel that traditionally grown or prepared foods are laden with chemicals and preservatives that cause a toxic burden to the body, which may potentially impede the body’s ability to reach its equilibrium.
For an individual contending with an addiction, detoxing their body is at the forefront of their pursuits. Being able to consume a diet that is organic, and thus, devoid of these additional toxins, and richer in nutrients can be of great importance as you engage your journey towards wellness.
A recent analysis, compiling data from 343 studies, was published in the British Journal of Nutrition; it reported that organic foods deliver between 20 and 40 percent more antioxidants. Antioxidants play an important role in protecting your cells from future damage, fighting malnutrition, and bolstering your immune system. They can also improve the quality of your skin and hair, both of which can be damaged from drug or alcohol abuse.
One fear people may have upon choosing a recovery facility is whether they will have to give up their typical diet for the duration of their stay within rehab. Additionally, some individuals may not generally eat organic, however; as they seek to begin treating their addiction and detoxing, they find the benefit of being on an organic diet an appealing accompaniment to the other cleansing and healing aspects of the process.
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Highlighting The Organic Experience And The Importance Of Nutritive Wellness
Not all rehabilitation facilities are alike. Fortunately, many engage their resident’s lifestyles, both prior to and during rehab, as a primary concern; within these, nutrition and diet are among their foremost considerations. Many engage chefs, and locally sourced or organic ingredients to create a menu that features unique and healthy dishes.
There is a myriad of other ways that facilities fulfill this expectation for their residents. Some of the services offered at various facilities include:
- Excursions to local markets to choose produce and food that will help you engage your wellness plan
- 24-hour kitchens that are accessible to you so you can cook and prepare healthy meals for yourself
- Individually tailored meals that address any special dietary restrictions or needs; including, but not limited to: medical conditions, allergies; intolerances; vegetarian, vegan, paleo, raw, and Celiac diets
- Juice Cleanses
- Classes on both cooking and nutrition, taught by trained professionals.
- On-site gardens and greenhouses that allow you to take a hands-on approach to your diet
- Sustainable and eco-friendly practices such as farm-to-table, recycling, and composting
- Attending Naturopathic Doctors and nutritionists
Some feature additional holistic therapies, such as Yoga, meditation, outdoor excursions, massage, hydrotherapy and other treatments that pair well with an organic lifestyle
How Nutrition Affects Your Recovery
It is common, within an addiction, that an individual lets many aspects of their health fall to the wayside. Diet and nutritive concerns are sadly one of the most important of these, and some people may have health problems that eating a more nutritious diet may begin to help address. Addiction ravages your body, these are a few of the more detrimental effects of drug abuse and poor diet:
Malnourishment: Consuming alcohol, which contains large amounts of empty calories, creates a feeling of satiety. Due to this, alcoholics commonly fail to eat enough, or to eat a diet that is not centered around nutrition, thus depriving the body of the nutrients it needs. For an individual using drugs, they might entirely forget to eat at times. In addition, the drug abuse wreaks havoc on the digestive system; this is further taxed by a poor diet, resulting in malnourishment that leaves the person without a proper platform of health on which to base their recovery.
Chemical Imbalances: One of the physiological side-effects of drug or alcohol abuse is that some of your body’s naturally occurring chemical production is stalled. This leaves your body lacking chemical components that are responsible for creating a sense of well-being. In turn, an addiction prevents your body from absorbing chemicals or vital nutrients from your food which are responsible for supplementing these chemicals, thus making it difficult to produce and maintain a sense of balance.
Weakened Immune System: Substance abuse wrecks havoc on your immune system. Your body’s natural defense line is compromised by the chemical makeup of the drug and also by the malnourishment from its use. A depressed and weakened immune system puts your body at greater risk for illness and disease, including various forms of cancer.
Liver Toxicity And Damage: The reduction of key nutrients paired with an impaired ability to process toxins from the drug or alcohol, can result in damage to your liver. This can ultimately result in not only a suppressed appetite, but a greater likelihood of liver cancer.
By breaking this cycle, both of drug abuse and a poor diet, your body begins to heal itself. Eating organically is one way that an individual can supplement their diet in a manner that ensures for maximum delivery of nutrients and chemicals that are necessary for optimal health and wellness.
In addition, eating more mindfully and with intention has been shown to bring greater balance to the individual as whole. Instead of simply eating as a ritual, they are choosing a specific path, with the knowledge and commitment that their choice will benefit their body and recovery. This gives them a sense of ownership and power over their recovery, both of which have been shown to help bolster esteem and foster personal growth.
Will It Be More Expensive?
Finances are one of the greatest hesitations when considering any rehab facility. Fortunately, some facilities accept a variety of private insurances or Medicaid. In addition, some even employ programs that offer special financing. It is true that just as organic food is generally more expensive then traditional food, rehabs that feature an organic menu can be more expensive than those that don’t. Here, it is important to consider what is important to you; what do you seek to experience while in rehabilitation? What do you need in order to achieve the greatest level of success and fulfillment?
Contact Us Today
If you have any questions about these concerns or a specific aspect of a tailored rehabilitation program, please contact us to speak with one of our trained professionals today. At RehabCenter.net, we strive to make sure that you’re receiving the best care for your needs and that your journey to recovery ends in absolute success.