California Court Ordered Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers

Individuals who are facing charges related to drug or alcohol abuse may have the option to attend a court-ordered rehab program. These programs help cut down the number of drug-related crimes while setting people on the path to sobriety.

Finding helpful, successful treatment for those facing substance abuse problems can be a challenge. For many of those battling these illnesses, interactions with law enforcement officials are not uncommon. According to SAMHSA, drug charges made up the largest category of arrest charges in the United States in 2009. That year saw 1.7 million arrests for drug-related charges, the majority of which were related to drug possession charges.

In California alone, a SAMHSA survey found that 2,708,000 people admitted to using illicit drugs in the past month and 6,412,000 people admitted to binge alcohol use in the past month. These numbers clearly show the need for court-ordered drug treatment.

What is Court-Ordered Substance Abuse Treatment

Although different states and jurisdictions will have different laws related to the role of court-ordered rehab, California defendants accused of particular drug or alcohol-related crimes can sometimes have treatment included as a part of their sentence. It can be used as a condition for release on parole or probation. It can also be used to replace prison time or to shorten the duration of a traditional prison sentence.

All those who have been arrested should consult with an attorney about whether or not court-ordered rehab would work in their particular case, but there are a few guidelines to keep in mind. Generally, rehab is most likely to be rewarded for nonviolent crimes, particularly for those who do not have a list of prior offenses.

If a person is ordered to undergo treatment, many courts will give them a selection of a few approved treatment locations. Generally patients will have a choice between residential or outpatient counseling and traditional 12-step models or holistic and alternative models. This can be particularly important since most patients will have to pay for their own treatment.

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The Success Rate of Court-Ordered Rehab

Although there is a common belief that patients who enter treatment based on their own initiative have higher success rates, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, those who enter mandated therapy tend to have the same recovery rates. The institute notes that many of those in treatment cite legal situations as a large part of their motivation to enter rehab.

Those facing legal challenges also may have higher attendance rates and continue with treatment for longer periods, both of which can improve their chances of recovery.

Cities In California With Court-Ordered Rehabs

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