Are Sober Living Facilities For You?

Addiction’s Reign, Sobriety’s Journey

Addiction seems to demand so much of those who suffer under its ever-tightening grip. The demand that gnaws at the skin, causing cravings and sickness, comes both at the price of physical and mental stability. It can be said that those who take the best step in their lives are those who step toward recovery from addiction of any kind. Cleansing our lives, freeing ourselves from a life sentence of illness, misery, and broken bridges, we shift our once-broken lives into a world of less stress, less heartache, and much more happiness.

The path ahead is a narrow one. Where we tread and how lightly we do so reflects of us our judgments and abilities we have to support an effort so great as SOBRIETY. The course may be rugged and often cause what we feel are failures, but moving forward and accepting the journey of recovery is the ultimate way to live a sober life.

Absorbing the fact that our lives will always remain in the balance, thereby displaying our disease as in a state of constant remission, we must know that addiction is something that will never be CURED. Medical intervention may do what it pleases, but as is true in many a sad story, addiction does and will creep its way back into our lives, IF WE LET IT. Take the journey seriously and decide which path is right for your remission.

Recovery Has Its Options

Recovery comes in several forms and differs depending on the individual seeking treatment, the type of addiction he has, and any additional services he may require or desire whilst in a program. A recovering patient may choose a long-term inpatient rehab facility in which he lives and experiences daily therapies and routine medical attention. He may also decide—depending on a number of variables—that he would be better suited for an outpatient rehabilitation program. Regardless of the treatment that an individual chooses in order to reach a state of “recovery,” the patient should always make a conscious decision as to whether or not a sober living facility would make for a helpful aftercare setting for him.

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Life Tries To Pull Us Under

Life after addiction is not simple. It is not cut and dry, nor black and white. We all come in many forms and we have many stories to tell, some of which are too sad for words to properly form them. For those who are successfully through treatment and have decided that your home life is safe and relatively risk-free in terms of maintaining sobriety, this is all fine and good. Life at home means having your loved ones close to you, your lovely bed, your well-missed comforts.

While choosing to return to “normal” life after treatment may seem like an adequate choice, there are many who suffer the consequences of this decision in the long run. Take into account the life you once had. Think of every person, every place, every mistaken step that led you to your life of addiction. Just because you went to rehab, or entered a program that changed your life, doesn’t mean everyone else did. That “normal” life, what you were used to before, that life is what usually causes people to relapse. Patients who have completed treatment should always consider continuing treatment through a sober living facility for this and many other reasons.

Sober Living: Recovery 2.0

Treatment was tough. From the very beginning, the sickness we endured, the people we had to interact with, everything took a toll on us. Therapy helped, though. Therapy and group sessions. And hearing people’s stories, that was a plus. Once it got going, it wasn’t all that tough, really. Those who stayed, stayed for good reasons, and they knew it when they were done. They were finally clean.

Choosing to stay in treatment by entering sober living is not continuing rehabilitation, it is continuing recovery. Some of us simply cannot and should not reenter our former lives, perhaps EVER again. It may be a frightening thought to know that everything has to change, but that change will always be for the better.

Instead of returning home and taking a risk with recovery, a patient may choose to enter into a sober living facility that acts as a home and has many benefits to assist in continuing a drug-free life. Along with other sober individuals, patients, now residents, will experience real life again, but with a clean slate and a great support system. Work, school, and sober activities will begin, while therapy and other helpful rehab amenities will persist.

Sober living often includes:

  • A drug-free environment
  • 12-Step programs/AA
  • Support systems
  • Self-help groups
  • Transitional assistance
  • Sober living guidance
  • Some medical, dental, and psychiatric care
  • Safe residency

Sober living can act as a bridge back to your former life or to a new life as you endeavor to build one and stay clear of addiction. This transitional stage may last longer for some who want to be sure that they’re ready to reenter society fully. No matter the decision you make when your treatment comes to a close, know that sober living is effective and can be a stepping stone on your path to recovery.

Getting A Start In The Right Direction

Your life is worth being rebuilt. Treatment may be complete, but there are several decisions that can make or break your path to recovery. Knowing that you’re safer entering sober living after rehab is something that can reinforce what you’ve taken away from your program and instill it in daily life. Safety is key, so take sober living into consideration. Contact for assistance and answers in your search for sober living and addiction treatment.

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