North Carolina Affordable Healthcare Insurance Coverage

For many patients struggling with substance abuse, enrolling in a quality rehab facility is the first, enormous step towards recovery. Rehab centers can provide patients with the care they need through therapy and support so they can get themselves started back on the path towards health.

Unfortunately, as many people begin to contemplate the importance of rehab, they find themselves overwhelmed by the associated costs. This problem can be largely alleviated, however, through insurance. Due to the stands of the Affordable Healthcare Act, insurance plans will provide coverage for patients so to pursue their treatment. For patients in North Carolina, here is what everyone should know about the available Affordable Healthcare plans.

Substance Abuse Coverage and Affordable Healthcare Plans In North Carolina

For patients in North Carolina, there are a number of different plans available that are considered Affordable Healthcare. These plans are available through a variety of insurance companies including Aetna, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NC, and United Healthcare. These plans are classified as either Bronze Level plans, Silver Level Plans, Gold Level Plans or Platinum Level Plans.

The classification system describes the level of coverage that patients receive when they make a claim, as well as the amount that they will have to pay out-of-pocket for the plan coverage. The higher the plan is ranked, the higher the monthly premiums, but also the higher the percentage of coverage. Generally, plans that are considered Bronze will cover 60 percent of the care, Silver will be 70 percent, Gold will be 80 percent, and Platinum will be 90 percent. Patients will have to balance their monthly budget with their expected medical expenses when selecting a plan.

Budgeting For Deductible

In North Carolina, it will be important to budget for all the costs that will go into treatment. This means thinking about the deductible. For example, if a patient recognizes that they need help for their substance abuse and prepares to enter an inpatient program, they will generally have to meet their deductible before the insurance will start paying. The deductibles in the state range from as high as over $6,500 to as low as $100.

All of the plans available will provide coverage for inpatient and outpatient mental health and substance abuse treatment. The costs for these different treatments, however, vary. Some plans will charge a flat copayment, which can range from $20 to over $100. Others will charge the patient a coinsurance amount, which might be as low as 10-20 percent or as high as 30-40 percent. There are also a number of plans available at nearly every level that will not have any charge for this type of care after the deductible has been met.

Health Savings Accounts

Patients and their loved ones will also often have to factor in the potential cost of other types of medical care when facing a substance abuse issue. For example, some patients might end up needing prescription medications while others will need emergency room services. And once the patient has completed care, continuing care in the form of outpatient therapy or a halfway house can also be invaluable.

Fortunately, to help patients budget for these types of costs, many of the plans available provide the opportunity to use a health savings account. This allows people to put aside money in a tax-free account that is to be used only for medical expenses, such as rehab costs and detoxification treatments.

Please Reach Out To Us

Contact us to get the help you need.Insurance can be a valuable partner for patients as they prepare to seek substance abuse treatment. It can help alleviate much of the costs associated with care, but it is best for patients and their loved ones to plan ahead by reviewing their policy and determining the best treatment course. Those interested in learning more can use to research their coverage and treatment options when using an Affordable Healthcare Plan.

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