Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Lynwood, California

With a population of around 70,000 people, the city of Lynwood, California is one of the least populated areas of Los Angeles County. The name Lynwood was reaped from the wife of a dairyman who lived in the area in the early 1900s. Today, Lynwood is home to a couple alcohol and drug rehab centers that treat addiction.

Rehab Centers In Lynwood, California

The city of Lynwood has two local addiction treatment center options available for those who need help.

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Rehab Centers Near Lynwood, California

Getting outside of the city of Lynwood will yield ample opportunities for treatment if local programs aren’t the right fit. There are several larger cities, like Compton, in the surrounding areas that have many more drug and alcohol rehab centers.

Substance Abuse In Lynwood & Los Angeles County

Residents of Lynwood, like people in most places, have struggled with substance abuse problems. Some of the statistics to consider associated with substance abuse in Lynwood include:

  • Between the years of 2015 and 2016, there were 42,000 people who sought treatment for addiction in Los Angeles County.
  • 32.1 percent of people who sought addiction treatment were associated with the criminal justice system.
  • There was a 122 percent increase in the proportion of primary prescription drug admissions from 2006-2007 to 2015-2016.

Traveling For The Best Program

Since Lynwood has local rehab programs available, traveling for treatment can seem like unnecessary stress and expense. Yet, being open to going somewhere new for treatment can mean you get the absolute best option for you. Reach out to and speak with a treatment specialist to find the best rehab program in California.

Los Angeles County -

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