5 Drug Rehab Centers Near Creedmoor, North Carolina

Although there is only outpatient substance abuse counseling located in Creedmoor, there are more comprehensive treatment options available in nearby cities like Durham.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Creedmoor, North Carolina

At this time, there is at least one drug and alcohol rehab center located in Creedmoor, North Carolina.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Creedmoor, North Carolina

Look for additional treatment centers within 15 miles of Creedmoor in Butner and Durham.

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Substance Abuse In Creedmoor & Granville County, North Carolina

According to data obtained by the state Medical Examiner, Granville County has recently struggled with overdose deaths. Consider some substance abuse facts from 2016:

  • There were three deaths in the county that were attributed to heroin.
  • There was one death related to fentanyl or other opioid substances.
  • Almost 40 percent of heroin-related deaths in the state occurred in people ages 25-34.

Leaving Creedmoor, North Carolina For Treatment

If the treatment options available in Creedmoor, Durham, and the surrounding communities don’t feel right, consider reaching out and connecting with a treatment specialist. Treatment specialists can help locate facilities outside of the local area. Contact us today to learn more.

North Carolina Medical Examiner - https://www.ocme.dhhs.nc.gov/annreport/docs/2016-FentanylandHeroin-RelatedDeathsinNorthCarolina.pdf

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