Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Greenfield, Wisconsin

Greenfield, Wisconsin Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers

One of the bigger cities in Wisconsin, Greenfield is situated between three large metropolitan areas: Milwaukee, West Allis, and Waukesha. This means that it is in proximity to several places that have significant drug trafficking and substance abuse issues. Fortunately, it also means that there are plenty of addiction treatment options available to Greenfield residents.

Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers Near Greenfield

Those who are looking for more specialized addiction treatment programs do not need to travel far. The following three drug and alcohol rehab centers near Greenfield offer gender-specific programs as well as services to adolescents and individuals with a dual diagnosis.

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Group therapy, individual counseling, relapse prevention, self-help, and the 12 steps to recovery are integrated into each treatment program, along with employment assistance.

Alcohol And Drug Abuse In Greenfield And Milwaukee County

Like many areas of Wisconsin, Milwaukee is known for heavy drinking. However, alcohol is not the only problem in the area. Milwaukee County officials reported in November 2018 that one-third of operating while intoxicated (OWI) charges involve drugs, either alone or in combination with alcohol.

The county has some of the highest rates in Wisconsin of death and hospitalization from opioid and heroin overdose, and these drugs are not always killing alone. Cocaine has been a factor in many recent Milwaukee County overdose deaths.

In 2017, there were five times as many deaths involving both cocaine and an opioid than in 2013. Cocaine overdose deaths in general tripled between these years, likely due to mixing the drug with heroin (called a “speedball”) or fentanyl, sometimes without the knowledge of the person using it.

Traveling For Addiction Treatment

While Greenfield residents have numerous choices for drug and alcohol rehab programs in the area, some individuals prefer to travel for treatment. Changing your environment during recovery can be crucial to a successful recovery.

Traveling for addiction treatment also opens the door to a lot of additional treatment options, which increases the chance that you will find the best program for your needs.

To learn more about alcohol and drug rehab centers near Greenfield or in other areas of Wisconsin, contact one of our treatment specialists today.

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