Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Wenatchee, Washington

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Wenatchee, Washington

Wenatchee has many different drug and alcohol rehab centers for its residents to consider, which includes outpatient programs, residential care, and treatment for co-occurring disorders.

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Patients often transfer to the outpatient program after completing the inpatient portion to add to the support they receive as they work through the recovery process.

Substance Abuse In Wenatchee & Chelan County, Washington

The substance abuse problem in Wenatchee and Chelan County continues to concern residents. Some of the facts that show how serious the problem has become for area residents include:

  • In 2015, 15 percent of the population of Chelan County admitted to excessive drinking.
  • Of the driving deaths experienced that year, 29 percent were due to alcohol-impaired drivers.
  • The county reported 82 drug-related poisoning deaths in 2015, or a rate of 16 deaths per 100,000 residents.

Leaving Wenatchee, Washington For Rehab

When the opportunities near Wenatchee are not the right fit for an individual’s needs, the addiction treatment specialists at can provide guidance and support. Reach out to us today for help finding an effective treatment option outside of the community.

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