Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Olalla, Washington

Olalla, Washington provides residents with a single option for addiction treatment. Look towards surrounding communities like Port Orchard for more rehab centers.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Olalla, Washington

There is at least one drug and alcohol rehab center located in Olalla.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Olalla, Washington

Although there is a comprehensive option for treatment in Olalla, cities like Port Orchard, Tacoma, and Seattle offer more programs to choose from.

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Substance Abuse In Olalla & Kitsap County, Washington

The biggest problem in this area of Washington is opioid abuse. In quarter four, the county of Kitsap reported 75 opioid prescriptions per 1,000 residents. Other drug use facts include:

  • Kitsap County’s syringe exchange program collected almost two million needles in 2017, a number that has been rising for several years.
  • Twenty-two babies born in 2017 in this county had neonatal abstinence syndrome due to the mother’s drug use or medication-assisted treatment.
  • From 2016 to 2017, Kitsap County reported 42 opioid deaths with most involving heroin.

Leaving Olalla, Washington For Treatment

With various programs in the surrounding areas, Olalla residents may find treatment close to home. However, to expand rehab options beyond the community, consider contacting Treatment specialists are standing by to help with the search.

Kitsap Public Health -

Kitsap Sun -

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