Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Kelso, Washington

Kelso, Washington only has a couple of rehab centers available, but both inpatient and outpatient treatment centers can be found a few minutes away in Longview and other communities.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Kelso, Washington

There are two major outpatient drug and alcohol rehab centers located in Kelso.

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Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Kelso, Washington

If the two rehab centers available in Kelso don’t seem like the right fit, consider additional treatment centers in nearby Longview.

Substance Abuse In Kelso & Cowlitz County, Washington

In a three-year period, Cowlitz County had the highest level of heroin-related deaths in the state. Prescription drugs are the most significant danger in the county, leading to the largest number of drug-related overdose deaths. This has led to initiating needle exchange programs as a method of harm reduction.

Leaving Kelso, Washington For Treatment

Kelso residents have access to a variety of drug and alcohol rehab centers in the immediate area. However, some individuals end of leaving home for the appropriate care for their addiction. To learn more about leaving Kelso for treatment, contact today.

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