Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Freeland, Washington

Freeland, Washington, offers only one alcohol and drug rehab center within its boundaries. However, residents of this town can find plenty of additional treatment centers when they ferry off Whidbey Island.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Freeland, Washington

At this time, there is only one drug and alcohol rehab center located within Freeland itself.

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers Near Freeland, Washington

Residents of Freeland can find additional treatment options by taking ferries off of Whidbey Island. Rehab centers can be found within 2 hours of travel in Mukilteo, Port Townsend, and Everett.

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Substance Abuse In Freeland & Island County, Washington

All counties and cities in Washington struggle with substance abuse. Some facts highlighting the issue of substance abuse in Freeland and Island County include:

  • Approximately one in three traffic fatalities occurring in Island County involved the use of alcohol by one or more people.
  • Drug and alcohol law violations among youths in Island County are below the state average, but are still concerning.
  • Island County’s rate of enrollment for state-funded drug and alcohol services among youths is 9.42 per 1000 people. It is likely that a higher number of youths need treatment but do not enroll.

For help and guidance with searching for treatment programs and facilities, contact to speak with a treatment specialist today.

Washington State Department of Social and Health Services -

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