Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Tazewell, Virginia

As with much of this region of Virginia, Tazewell has seen its share of substance abuse and addiction. To provide care and support, local addiction treatment centers are available in and around Tazewell.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Tazewell, Virginia

For residents of Tazewell who find themselves in the fight against addiction, there is at least one drug and alcohol rehab center that can help.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Tazewell, Virginia

If the services within Tazewell do not provide what the person with addiction needs, additional rehab centers are available in Cedar Bluff, Marion, and Bluefield and Welch, West Virginia.

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Substance Abuse In Tazewell & Tazewell County

Tazewell and Tazewell County have faced a large battle with addiction. Opioid abuse rates in the region have been particularly high, leading to a large number of addiction-related deaths.

From 2012 to 2014, Tazewell was among the top 10 counties in the region for opioid related deaths. During that time frame, the county experienced 31 deaths, or a rate of 23.52 deaths per 100,000 residents.

Addiction Treatment Outside Of Tazewell, Virginia

Addiction treatment for those living in Tazewell may not be as easy to find as in other areas. Though the region has local treatment centers, they are not always the best option for an individual’s unique needs. Sometimes traveling outside of the community provides the best opportunity for successful treatment.

To navigate the sometimes confusing world of addiction treatment, reach out to a treatment specialist today. Learn more by contacting

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