Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Portsmouth, Virginia

Portsmouth is an independent city located in the state of Virginia. People in Portsmouth who struggle with addictions to drugs or alcohol can find treatment in several locations in and around the city.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Portsmouth, Virginia

There are currently at least three addiction treatment centers located in Portsmouth, with both inpatient and outpatient programs available.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Portsmouth, Virginia

Although there are several rehab centers available in the city of Portsmouth, many people still choose to look for additional treatment options in other locations like Norfolk.

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Substance Abuse In The City Of Portsmouth

According to a report released by the Virginia Department of Health, substance abuse is particularly problematic in the city of Portsmouth. There was a total of 28 drug-related overdose deaths in 2016. This translates to an annual rate of 29.4 deaths per 100,000 residents, which is considerably higher than the state average.

Finding Addiction Treatment Outside Of Portsmouth, Virginia

If you are in need of addiction treatment services, it is important to choose your program carefully. In cases where you cannot find a suitable treatment program close to Portsmouth, it may be necessary to travel to another location to receive the care you need.

To learn more about how to find available substance abuse treatment programs outside of Portsmouth, contact today.

Virginia Department of Health -

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