Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Arlington, Virginia

Arlington, Virginia residents have many areas to check for addiction treatment options. Washington, D.C., Alexandria, Annandale, and other cities and towns are located close by. Arlington is a also home to several rehab centers in the city itself.

Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers In Arlington, Virginia

Those who live in Arlington have a few addiction treatment centers to consider for substance use disorders. All of these facilities provide residential treatment programs, which are suitable for adults who require structure and supervision to begin recover.

Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers Near Arlington, Virginia

Those who still want to be close to Arlington have additional treatment options available within five miles in Washington, D.C.

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Substance Abuse In Arlington & Arlington County

Arlington County has had big problems with opioid use, such as fatal and nonfatal overdoses, especially in recent years. Drug-use facts from the county include:

  • Arlington County had a total of 57 drug overdose deaths from 2014 through 2016.
  • Between 2014 and 2018, Arlington County had 142 nonfatal opioid overdoses and 50 fatal opioid overdoses.
  • Arlington County had just over 500 police-investigated incidents that involved opioids from 2015 to 2018.
  • Arlington County had 19 drug-related deaths in 2017.

How to Find Addiction Treatment

The Arlington area has a number of drug and alcohol rehab center around. However, residents might want to consider searching for treatment in other cities and towns in Virginia, or even other states.

Exploring a wide range of options can help ensure that Arlington residents are able to enter a rehab program geared towards their specific needs.

For additional information on rehab services and programs that are available in Virginia and the surrounding areas, please contact

amFAR -

Arlington Health Department -

County Health Rankings -

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