Drug Rehab Centers in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Located about 25 miles from Knoxville, the city of Oak Ridge is part of a large metro area. According to a population estimate from 2016, about 29,350 people called the city home. Oak Ridge residents struggling with substance abuse and addiction will find available treatment options in the city itself. Additional programs and services can be found in nearby communities.

Substance Abuse In Oak Ridge & Anderson County

The Tennessee Department of Health maintains statistics regarding substance abuse in the state. Anderson County noted the following data for 2015:

  • Twenty-six people died as the result of a drug overdose.
  • Of those, 20 deaths involved an opioid while one death involved heroin.
  • There were 190 nonfatal drug-related visits to outpatient facilities like emergency rooms.

How To Find Addiction Treatment

Though Oak Ridge offers a number of resources for substance abuse treatment, they might not be the right one for a particular person. It’s important to be willing to travel in order to find the best treatment program available.

Our treatment specialists can help you find quality care. Contact RehabCenter.net today to learn more.

Tennessee Department of Health - https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/health/documents/pdo/Anderson_Brief15.pdf

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