4 Drug Rehab Centers in Hillsboro, Oregon


Substance Abuse In Hillsboro & Washington County, Oregon

According to data gathered by the Tri-County Opioid Safety Coalition, which looks at fatal opioid overdoses in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties, Washington County trails behind the other two counties in nearly every statistic. Consider these facts:

  • In 2016, there were 39 opioid-related deaths in Washington County. This figure is an increase of 10 deaths from 2016.
  • Heroin was responsible for 10 deaths in Washington County in 2016. This is a slight decrease from the 11 deaths seen in 2015.

Find out how to track down appropriate rehab centers by reaching out to an addiction treatment specialist. Contact RehabCenter.net to learn more today.

Tri-County Opioid Safety Coalition - https://portlandprofessional.oregonpainguidance.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2018/03/Fatal-Overdose-Data-Brief-March-2018.pdf?x34546

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