2 Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Idabel, Oklahoma

There is currently one alcohol and drug rehab center in Idabel, Oklahoma whose mission is to offer trauma informed, gender sensitive, age appropriate, and culturally competent recovery assistance to anyone affected by substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders.


Oklahoma Substance Use Disorder Statistics


A substance use disorder (SUD) is a complex illness in which an individual’s use of a drug causes significant impairment to their health, relationships, or mental stability. SUD is a progressive, chronic, and often fatal disease. SUD is common in the United States; some places more than others.


Oklahoma is faced with some of the highest rate of mental, and substance use disorder in the nation. In 2012, there were  an estimated 700,000 to 950,000 Oklahomans living with a substance use disorder, or any mental illness, but not receiving treatment for it.


An individual suffering from SUD is not the only person affected by it. In one way or another, nearly everyone is affected by SUD, whether they use drugs or not. The most commonly abused drugs in Oklahoma are:  


  • alcohol

  • methamphetamine

  • prescription medications

    • opioids

    • amphetamines

    • benzodiazepines

  • heroin

  • cocaine


Some individuals develop what is known as a co-occurring disorder, which means that they suffer from both mental (anxiety, depression, personality), and substance use disorder. With the help of a dual diagnosis treatment, individuals are treated for each disorder at the same time for the most impactful, and effective results.


It’s anything but easy to watch a loved one struggle with drugs or alcohol. With the right addiction treatment program, there is hope for them to recover, and live a life no longer directed by substance abuse.


Idabel Alcohol and Drug Treatment Options


There is a holistic outpatient rehab center that has helped many people overcome their obsession to gamble, use drugs, or alcohol.


The philosophy of such a place is that the goal of treatment is self healing through self discovery, and acceptance. They make it a point to help people of any race, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or ability to pay for rehab.


Many patients qualify for payment assistance such as Medicaid, Medicare, military insurance, private health insurance, loans, or income-based sliding fees.


The addiction treatment programs offered at such places include:


  • Teen Addiction Treatment

  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment

  • Geriatric Addiction Treatment

  • LGBTQ Addiction Treatment

  • Pregnant/Postpartum Addiction Treatment

  • Women’s Addiction Treatment

  • Men’s Addiction Treatment

  • Court-Ordered Addiction Treatment


Find A Rehab Center Based On Individual Needs


Contact Rehab.net to learn about rehab centers near Idabel, Oklahoma.

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