4 Drug Rehab Centers Near Mount Olive, North Carolina

Mount Olive, North Carolina does not offer much in the way of drug and alcohol treatment centers. For that, most families will want to travel to other areas of the state.

Substance Abuse In Mount Olive & Wayne/Duplin Counties, North Carolina

Mount Olive is located in both Wayne and Duplin counties, where there has been an increase in drug-related deaths. Facts regarding substance use in this region include:

  • Wayne County saw drug deaths increase from three in 2005 to nine in 2015. Although Wayne’s numbers are higher than Duplin, they are still not the highest in the state.
  • Duplin saw almost no change in drug-related deaths from 2005 to 2015. It has some of the lowest overdose rates in the state.

Leaving Mount Olive, North Carolina For Treatment

While leaving the local community for addiction treatment can seem overwhelming, help is available. To learn how to find treatment centers, as well as receive guidance and support from a trained treatment specialist, contact RehabCenter.net today.

NC Governor Cooper - https://governor.nc.gov/news/county-county-figures-opioid-crisis-north-carolina

Wayne County - https://www.waynegov.com/DocumentCenter/View/3212/Wayne-County-SOTCH-2017

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