Top 5 Drug Rehab Centers Near Wantagh, New York

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Wantagh, New York

In Wantagh, New York, there is at least one addiction treatment center available: Southeast Nassau Guidance Center Wantagh Chemical Dependency Program.

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Substance Abuse In Wantagh & Nassau County, New York

Both drugs and alcohol have a hold on many living in Wantagh as well as the rest of Nassau County. Consider some facts:

  • In 2016, Nassau County had a rate of 12.6 opioid overdose deaths per 100,000 people.
  • That was a total of 171 people who died due to opioid overdose.
  • That year, 186 people were hospitalized due to opioid overdose.
  • The county had 3,150 total unique clients admitted to treatment for opioid use in 2016.

To learn more about the treatment options located in Nassau County, other regions of New York, or nearby states, contact and touch base with a treatment specialist today.

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