3 Drug Rehab Centers in Gallup, New Mexico

Gallup, New Mexico lies on the outskirts of the Navajo Nation Indian Reservation and offers a variety of addiction treatment centers for those who are ready to put a life of drugs and alcohol behind them. Learn more about treatment options near you today.

Substance Abuse In Gallup & McKinley County, New Mexico

Historical and continual disenfranchisement of marginalized Native American groups has led to increased substance use in the area, with numbers rising at alarming rates. Substance use facts from McKinley County include:

  • McKinley County has a slightly lower prevalence of binge drinking (9%) than the rest of the state (12.8%).
  • There were roughly 108 alcohol-related deaths per 100,000 people in McKinley County; significantly higher than the statewide rate.
  • McKinley County has a much higher alcohol-related chronic disease death rate (79.7 per 100,000) than New Mexico and the United States.

To receive help finding the most appropriate rehab program outside of Gallup or New Mexico, reach out to RehabCenter.net today to speak with a treatment specialist.

McKinley County - http://www.nmprevention.org/Project_Docs/2011%20Community%20Epi%20Profiles/New_Mexico_Community_Epidemiology_Profile_McKINLEY.pdf

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