4 Drug Rehab Centers Near Trenton, Missouri

Substance Abuse In Trenton And Grundy County, Missouri

Substance abuse has caused many issues for Trenton and Grundy County residents. Here are some recent trends in this area regarding drug and alcohol use:

  • Among 12- to 17-year-old individuals, alcohol and tobacco use was declining in 2014.
  • In 2015, three people died as a result of drug overdoses in Grundy County. Eighteen people were admitted to the hospital for drug abuse, and 38 were admitted with drug abuse as a secondary diagnosis.

Traveling for the Best Program

For those who are unsure which type of addiction treatment program is best, it may help to expand your search. In some situations, traveling outside of Grundy County can put some distance between you and your current life, giving you a better chance at recovery.

You can find a wide range of programs available in Missouri and out-of-state. Contact one of our treatment specialists today to find opportunities that fit your needs.

Missouri Department of Mental Health - https://dmh.mo.gov/alcohol-drug/reports/status-report/2014

Missouri Department of Mental Health - https://dmh.mo.gov/media/pdf/2018-grundy-county

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