2 Drug Rehab Centers Near Seymour, Missouri

Substance Abuse In Seymour And Webster County

There were 146 ER visits related to opioid use in Webster County, where Seymour is located, between 2012 and 2016. Webster County officials are frustrated with the makers of Narcan (naloxone) for not making the drug available to police, hospitals, and other first responders at a reasonable price. Narcan is an anti-opioid drug that counteracts overdoses.

The federal Health and Human Services Department has given $29 million to the state of Missouri to fight opioid abuse. Most of the money will go toward providing opioid withdrawal medication to those who need it, which will stop their cravings for opioids and increase the success of opioid addiction treatment programs.

Traveling for the Best Program

Anyone struggling with substance abuse needs to receive treatment that is right for them. This is different for everyone, as each person is unique.

Finding the best alcohol and drug rehab center may mean traveling, so it is important to be flexible when comparing treatment programs. For more information about addiction treatment in Missouri, please contact RehabCenter.net.

Health.Mo.Gov - https://health.mo.gov/data/opioids/

The Marshfield Mail - http://marshfieldmail.com/for_the_record/webster-county-commission/article_f9cb5000-966e-11e8-b0d6-6728e76ed556.html

St. Louis Public Radio - http://news.stlpublicradio.org/post/surgeon-general-visits-illinois-missouri-bring-attention-opioid-abuse#stream/0

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