5 Drug Rehab Centers Near Preston, Minnesota

Substance Abuse In Preston & Fillmore County, Minnesota

Fillmore County residents consider alcohol and drug abuse a priority public health issue in the region. Drug-use facts from the county include:

  • A survey in 2015 found the 39 percent of Fillmore residents listed the opioid crisis as a major health issue.
  • From 2000 to 2015, Fillmore County reported just five overdose deaths from opioids but had a higher rate of alcohol-related car crashes than the Minnesota average.

Leaving Preston, Minnesota For Treatment

Preston isn’t far from the Mayo Clinic and other healthcare facilities in Rochester. However, residents do not need to restrict their search for treatment to the local area alone. To get help searching for rehab programs across Minnesota or other states, contact RehabCenter.net today.

Fillmore County - http://www.co.fillmore.mn.us/docs/dept/public-health/Community_Health_Improvement_Plan_2015.pdf

Substance Use in Minnesota - http://sumn.org/~/media/517/FILLMORE_COUNTY_2017_SUMN_Fact_Sheet.pdf

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