3 Drug Rehab Centers in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota


Substance Abuse In Detroit Lakes & Becker County, Minnesota

In Becker County and Detroit Lakes, addiction and substance use continues to be a problem. These facts highlight the need for local treatment in the area:

  • In 2016, Becker County’s alcohol-related crash rate was 9.2 percent, almost double that of the state.
  • Also in 2016, 69.1 per 10,000 people were arrested in Becker County for DWI.
  • That same year, 22 percent of 11th grade students surveyed admitted to using alcohol in the past 30 days.

To get help tracking down and entering a rehab program in Detroit Lakes or other communities, contact RehabCenter.net and speak with a treatment specialist today.

Minnesota Department of Health and Human Services - http://sumn.org/~/media/516/BECKER_COUNTY_2017_SUMN_Fact_Sheet.pdf

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