Top 4 Drug Rehab Centers Near Westfield, Massachusetts

Centrally located, the community of Westfield, Massachusetts, is a beautiful city in Hampden County. For those who struggle with drugs or alcohol addiction, enjoying the recreation nearby is not as simple. But, addiction treatment facilities in and around Westfield can help.

Substance Abuse In Westfield & Hampden County

In Westfield and much of Hampden County, addiction treatment is strongly needed due to a wide range of struggles for the local community, with heroin and alcohol remaining some of the top substances people abuse. These statistics point to the serious nature of the addiction problem:

  • In 2014, 513 people were admitted for addiction treatment in Westfield. The majority of those, 46.8 percent, sought help for heroin addiction.
  • Alcohol addiction affected 38.2 percent of those who were admitted for addiction treatment in Westfield.
  • Other opioids affected 5.3 percent of the admissions group.
  • Marijuana was responsible for 4.9 percent of the admissions that year.

Traveling For The Best Program

Though Westfield and Hampden County provide ample options for drug and alcohol addiction treatment, there are times when it makes more sense for an individual to travel away from home for treatment. Getting out of the daily routine gives an individual the chance to focus solely on growth and healing for greater success. To find the right addiction treatment facility in Massachusetts, reach out to an addiction specialist at for help. -

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